What is Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)?
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is Psychotherapy with the assistance of horses as partners in providing the therapy. A Mental Health Professional* is licensed to provide psychotherapy and has additional training and certification to provide therapy with horses as partners in the process. There is also an “Equine Specialist” present during the therapy to assure that the horse is able to participate appropriately and optimally. As with other forms of psychotherapy confidentiality is maintained and an initial assessment and plan are developed with the mental health professional to determine the goals of the therapy.
Who is the *Mental Health Professional?
Winnie Kjelsgaard (Master Level Mental Health Counselor student) will be the Mental Health Professional. Certified through PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) and EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth And Learning Association) to provide this type of therapy and have experience providing EAP with a variety of individuals and groups. Trained Robinson Ranch staff will provide be the Equine Specialists. Equine Specialists will become part of the confidentiality agreement of the therapy and will be consistent throughout the therapy whenever possible.
What are the requirements for the EAP Program ?
All Equine Assisted Psychotherapy activities take place on the ground NO RIDING. You do not have to have any previous experience with horses. The sessions are designed to meet individual / family / group needs and may involve activities / games / tasks etc. Participants always have the option to decline any request and are asked at all time to maintain a sense of personal safety. You will be asked to wear closed toe shoes and clothing appropriate to weather conditions.
How long is the EAP Program?
We ask for a six week commitment which includes Intake and Final Assessment. Sessions will be on Mondays and last approximately 45 minutes.
Where can I get more details on the EAP program or signup?
If you are interested contact Robinson Ranch staff for information e-mail: Info@RobinsonRanchAZ.org. After a 1 hour intake appointment, a determination will be made regarding participation in the program and the plan for the 4 sessions at Robinson Ranch and then a Final Assessment.